The Lions who make all the calls get all the business.

Do you have what it takes to be king of the sales jungle? HubSpot's Pipeline Generation Bootcamp, led by Dan, gives participants the opportunity to learn new skills, connect with more prospects and generate new opportunities for their organization. Graduates of the energizing program, better known as Sales Lions, have shared their experiences and key takeaways in the blog posts featured below.

Read on to learn what to expect in a PGB, as well as key sales and marketing tactics you can put to work today.


Chin rubs, Vidyards and long pauses...Tell me more about that - 6.30.2021


The Lion's Share: How Does Sales Survive? - 06.18.2021


Connect Call: Why Sales Should always Call New Leads - 05.27.2021


Becoming a Sales Lion: How to transform your Business with Inbound Sales Methodology -



The Top Eight Takeaways from the HubSpot Sales Bootcamp - 03.10.2021


The Untold Secret of Sales Prospecting... Until Now - 03.10.2021


Cold Calling is Dead: 5 Sales Strategies Learned in HubSpot's Pipeline Generation Bootcamp -



From Cub to Full-Grown Lion – Top Tips from the HubSpot Sales Bootcamp - 03.03.2021


From Cub to Lion: Three Lessons from Dan Tyre’s HubSpot Partner Bootcamp - 12.17.2020


Becoming a Lion: Transforming Sales With Inbound Methodology - 12.16.2020


5 Software Selling Tips Learned From Sales Legend Dan Tyre - 12.15.2020


How Lions Are Made - 12.15.2020


What Does It Mean to Be a HubSpot Lion? - 12.14.2020


5 Tips for Making a Lasting First Impression on Your Prospects - 12.10.2020


There is no luck. Only good sales strategy! - 12.09.2020


5 Things HubSpot's Dan Tyre Taught Me about Crushing Sales Prospecting - 12.01.2020


How to Make Every Sales Call Valuable — The Added Value Approach of Inbound Marketing -



4 Key Takeaways to Grow from a Cub to a Lion/Lioness in Sales - 11.30.2020


Stop Selling and Start Helping. Now, More Than Ever. - 11.25.2020


Growing like a LION with HubSpot - 11.27.2020


The Art of Prospecting: 3 Things you Can Do Right Now to Book More Appointments - 11.24.2020


The Art of the Lion - 11.19.2020


3 Things I Learned on Dan Tyre's Boot Camp - 07.29.2020


Six Horrible Mistakes The HubSpot Pipeline Generation Bootcamp helped Me Fix - 06.03.2020


From Cubs to Inbound Sales Lions - HubSpot Pipeline Generation Bootcamp 2020 - 05.31.2020


The Top 5 Prospecting Strategies I Learned from HubSpot - 5.30.2020


10 Things I Learned From HubSpot Sales Lion Bootcamp - 05.29.2020


Diversity Strengthens Teams - 05.26.2020


4 Hubspot Pipeline Generation Bootcamp Lessons That Benefit Everyone - 05.19.2020


How to Successfully Prospect and Connect with Leads During a Pandemic - 05.18.2020


The Confidence Booster - My HubSpot Pipeline Generation Bootcamp Experience - 05.14.2020


Hate Telemarketers? Yep. We Do Too. - 05.12.2020


Bootcamp: Pipeline De Ventas Desde Santiago De Chile - 05.09.2020


Partner Pipeline Generation Bootcamp - The Perfect Covid19 Project - 05.04.2020


Megaphone vs. Magnet: Why Softer Sales Approaches Reign Supreme Today  - 04.27.2020


Stop Trying to Sell - 04.17.2020


What's the Connect Call All About? - 04.16.2020


Read This if You Want to Get Better at 2B2 Sales - 04.03.2020


Designer experience in HubSpot sales training - 04.03.2020


Algunas cosas que he aprendido en el bootcamp online de Hubspot - 03.31.2020


Project Lion Pipeline Generation Bootcamp - 03.29.2020


Why Introverts Make Good Sales People and Other Sales Lessons From HubSpot's Pipeline Generation Bootcamp - 03.27.2020


Have you ever been on a video call with a lion? - 03.24.2020


As a salesperson, you can truly connect with anyone...Anyone - 03.16.2020


Sales in the Time of Coronavirus - 03.03.2020


How Dan Tyre, Employee #6, Has Rocked My World - 12.27.2019 


How to Empower Your Sales Team featuring Dan Tyre from HubSpot - 12.04.2019 


Good to Great? How about Gold to Platinum in 8 Weeks... - 10.23.2019


The Lions Who Make the Calls Get All of the Business - 09.26.2019


Need an Effective Sales Strategy? Try Being Helpful - 07.20.2019


Sales is Professional Dating. Dan Tyre is Your Hitch. We are your reason to do it - 06.18.2019


Boom, Ugh, Oh Baby! : How Adopting "Danerisms" Improved my Ability to Identify and Connect With Qualified Leads - 05.20.2019


Growth Marketing: How Pipeline Generation Bootcamp Unleashes Your Inner Lion - 05.19.2019


Inbound, Sales, & Picking Up the Damn Phone - 05.16.2019


What I Learned from PGB and How it Can Benefit Cannabis Businesses - 05.14.2019


Hubspot Agency Partner Pipeline Generation Bootcamp - 05.11.2019 


What I Learned in 8 Weeks with Dan Tyre - 04.10.2019


How I Learned to Climb Up Without Fear of Looking Down - 03.11.2019


Seven Things I Learned at the Sales Bootcamp - 03.07.2019


Learning How To Drink From A Firehose - HubSpot's PGB with Dan Tyre - 11.13.2018


Align Sales and Marketing Teams - 06.09.2018


7 reasons inbound marketing excites marketing and sales experts - 09.15.2017


Pipeline or Lifeline? Keep the Focus on Helping the Client


5 Outstanding Lessons I Have l Learned From THE Lion: Dan Tyre's Pipeline Generation Bootcamp